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lambda (23 июня 2024 20:17) №463

Hey everyone! Sharing some updates with you all.

I'm almost done with the first episode. Recently, I finished working on the new interface and main menu. Nothing too fancy or groundbreaking, but it looks pretty decent. You can check it out in the images attached to this post. I've also wrapped up a lewd scene and am finishing up rendering the last animations. Overall, the episode turned out quite packed and does a great job as the "opener." In the coming days, I'll start working on the translation, proofreading, and all the subsequent details. For now, the tentative release date is set for July 6th. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet this deadline. Thanks for all your support!

lambda (12 июня 2024 17:39) №462


Hey everyone! Just wanted to share some updates with you all.

I'm slowly but surely approaching the end of development for the first episode. I've got a little under 1,500 renders ready to go. All that's left is to finish one lewd scene and the animations for it, but other than that, the episode is fully playable and complete. I also need to finalize the main menu and tie up some loose ends with the game's interface. Then I'll spend a few days translating the text and polishing up the little details.

Right now, my plan is to release the game by July 15th. That gives me a whole month to wrap everything up, which I think is more than doable.

Looking at the episode I've put together, I'm really happy with how it's turned out. Although I'm constantly tempted to add, tweak, or improve things, I know that would only drag out the development process, so I'm trying my best to resist the urge. It's all about managing my time as efficiently as possible.

I do want to give you all a heads up that there won't be too many lewd scenes in the first episode. With my last game, I kind of jumped the gun with those scenes, which made some characters come across as a bit too easy. Plus, this is the first episode - the beginning - so it's more about introducing new characters, love interests, and the game's setting. That said, there are definitely some romantic relationships starting to blossom.

I also spent a bit of time working on the game's logo (you can check it out in the images). I made a few versions with different color schemes. I think it came out simple but pretty solid, especially considering my minimal experience in creating logos and icons. I'm pretty pleased with the result.

That's about it for now. I'll try to make a post soon introducing the main romance options. Thanks to everyone for your support!

lambda (15 мая 2024 14:44) №461

Hey everyone!

I wanted to share some exciting updates about my new game. I've finally decided to name it Domino Beach — couldn't come up with anything more creative!

I've completed about 80% of the work so far. As of now, I have around 1,340 renders ready. The prologue and the first two and a half days of gameplay are playable (including music, text, sounds, and other visual effects). To fully experience the content already created, it takes about 2 hours. In the final version of the first episode, I expect about 2 hours and 30-40 minutes of gameplay at an average reading speed.

I'm currently working on the final day and its renders. The text is long written; only the visual elements remain. The main game menu (its design) is still not ready, but that’s a 2-3 day job.

On the bright side, all the music, characters, locations, script, etc., are completed. Overall, the result is very interesting. I've tried to improve every aspect of my work compared to BARS. Of course, you'll be the judges of how well I succeeded when the final release comes out, but I have a very good feeling about it.

And, of course, I’m attaching some new renders to this post.
Thank you for your support! We’re almost there.

Gris0988 (5 января 2024 19:44) №460
Версию 1.01 не добавят? Я конечно и 0.90 могу глянуть, но если там в последней версии много нового контента, то хотелось бы посмотреть сразу её, чтобы не перепроходить потом.
Слава Салу (21 ноября 2023 16:30) №459
замечательная игра. жизненная. 10 за всё. низкий поклон разрабам
lambda (15 октября 2023 07:54) №458
Разработчик русский) Язык меняется в меню.
Anonimajzer (14 октября 2023 20:24) №457
Без перевода?
reklhk (6 сентября 2023 14:27) №455
не очень понравился скип на несколько лет вперед и отсутствие мини-игр, но это на любителя, 9/10
Tv123 (29 августа 2023 23:25) №454
А когда здесь появится полная версия?
Viper13 (31 июля 2023 00:12) №453
так закончена игра уже, поэтому и исчезли новости об обновах. Вроде автор обещал добавить дополнительных концовок, но пока с января никаких новостей нет.
IgorLove_tyan (28 июля 2023 21:57) №452
А что с портом его невозможно скачать?
IgorLove_tyan (13 июня 2023 00:55) №451
Эу куда пропали скоро там новости об будущей обнове? a044
lambda (25 января 2023 13:59) №450
lambda (5 января 2023 08:47) №449
Цитата: IgorLove_tyan
А будет обнова для телефона?

Если только неофициальный порт от the66,

Игра Android (unofficial):

Цитата: the66
here is my unofficial android port of Become a Rock Star v0.99beta.

Touch screen usage:
swipe down to hide the ui
swipe left to roll back
swipe right to start skipping of text
swipe left&right to toggle the quick menu
swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

from now on my android ports of Ren'Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage (or a new one on Android 11 :FacePalm:), because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.
have fun and please report problems.
lambda (4 января 2023 13:15) №448
Руководство по прохождению 0.99:
IgorLove_tyan (1 января 2023 14:43) №447
А будет обнова для телефона?
Jackey (1 января 2023 11:27) №446
Там рендеры с новостей разработчика.

А то есть все то, что ты уже здесь в комментах выложил. Ну так получается все уже видел) Хотя все равно скачаю, как мега остынет. Игра настолько зашла, просто ммм... a134
Кстати, хз че с мегой было. Я как остановило, начал другие ссылки по порядку пробовать, везде по 200кб. Тока на миксдропе было 900, с него и взял за часик. А потом вернулся на страничку меги, я её не закрывал пока. Там было еще 4 часа ждите, а я просто нажал продолжить загрузку и докачало 0_о. Хз, я там вроде ни на что не соглашался, даже не зареган. Короче 2 версии теперь в загрузках.
А этот Censor Tracker с VPN не конфликтует? После твоего коммента обратил внимание - anonfiles и gofile заблочены, а mixdrop нет. Видимо поэтому проблемы с закачкой были.
lambda (1 января 2023 10:35) №445
Там фансервис для патреона. Несбыточные мечты с Джулией)
anonfiles всегда быстро скачивается, плужок Censor Tracker для браузера стоит. MEGA придётся выключать часов на 10, потом докачает, если через их настольное приложение, конечно.

Моя подождать 1.0, хочется все анимации и ответвления, как и наконец переделанных анимации 2-3 эпизодов.
Jackey (1 января 2023 08:42) №444
Пытаться качать... мда. Чудес не бывает. a077
С меги скачал 4 гига, после чего остановили и предложили забашлять деньжат или подожди всего лишь 5 с половиной часов, чтобы продолжить бесплатно! a003
Попробовал с остальных, там 200кб/сек и 7 часов......
Только с миксдропа нормальная скорость, тяну с него.
кстати, а че за Become A RockStar Special Renders? Это extras? Там только арты или с доп. сценками?
Jackey (1 января 2023 07:51) №443
Да ладно... вот уж действительно новогоднее чудо. Будем качать! Спасибо lambda,! a119
lambda (31 декабря 2022 13:17) №441
Release date v0.99

Okay, it's the end of the year, and it's been a long time since the last release. If you read my news posts, then you know I tried my best to finish everything in the best possible way. So that I wouldn't have to redo anything later and leave the most positive impression possible. Still, we didn't have time to test the whole script for bugs, typos and other little things. But you've waited long enough, and I just can't leave you this year without a present. So I've decided that tomorrow I'll make a release, even if it's a bit raw. Nevertheless, it will be a complete game, with a complete story. There are many different choices in BARS, but all the main routes should work fine.

Afterward, we will release a new version in January, with bugfixes, corrected typos, and updated with new animations.
For example, tomorrow's version won't have animations in the scenes with Nicole, and two more scenes with very minor characters. But there will be animations with all the main love interests. Of course, over the next month I'll fix that.

So, as for the numbers for tomorrow's release (31 December):

- 3,100 new renders.
- 41 animations
- 14k lines of code/text

The release will be available for all $5 Tier and above.

And of course, guys, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
lambda (30 ноября 2022 06:32) №440
News about the progress

Hey guys. Latest news here. So, all the work with the text and dialogues is finished. For a few days now, I've been putting everything together. Writing code, making transitions between scenes, etc. Basically, the whole game is almost ready. But, as usual, there were some problems.

Once again, I scolded myself for the early versions. I made the choice to ignore Nicole, which caused me to have to do two versions of scenes involving her throughout the game. Where she is and where she isn't. Not that it's hard, but it's time-consuming. Especially in updates where she's present a lot.

Next, I realized I screwed up the epilogues. I made 6 of them when I should have made 7. And that's a problem for one of the endings. On average, I have 60 renders and about 200 lines of text in one epilogue. But since making a new epilogue would take extra time, I decided, to release the update without that epilogue. Within a few weeks of release, I'll be adding a new version of the game with this epilogue. And maybe a few more minor additions, like a couple of extra animations, a small ending expansion.

Music. This is a big problem with my game. It's weird that in a game about rock band, there are no songs with lyrics. Ideally, I wanted to pick up a cool song with female vocals for the final event, but I just don't have time for it. The thing is, I really don't know much about licenses and copyright etc. I used to buy my tunes directly from composers. But when it comes to songs with lyrics, there is a different approach. You have to go to special sites with catalogs and choose special licenses, etc. So I need to figure it out. I hope I will do it soon. Most likely, I will implement it fully on the Steam version.

Okay, let's go to the numbers. I have 3030 renders, almost 13k lines of text/code/dialogs. And only 10 animations.

Here are my plans. I think I'll take another day or two to finish the code. Then I will have to spend a few days looking for issues in the script, inaccuracies in the dialogues and so on. Next I will do the translation. Since there's a lot of text, it's going to be quite a task. Maybe I can do it in a week? Don't know. Then there will be proofreading. During which I will try to finish the remaining animations.
So, on the one hand, it's almost finished. On the other hand... Well, there's still a lot to do. The last stages of development always suck the most. But the result is usually worth it.

Uhh... That's a lot of text today. I hope I didn't bore you too much.

In any case, thank you all for your support. Take care.
lambda (7 ноября 2022 18:06) №439
News about the progress

Hey guys. Small post to show that I'm still here, and I'm still working. Still with the text, and still not finished. Everything is exactly the same as before, so I don't want to repeat myself 10 times. I don't even know if I should write something now if I don't have much to say. Of course, I can clearly see the final work closer than ever, but I said that a month ago, too. So yes. Like I said before, I won't charge you until I'll make an actual release.

Almost all the eventing is written, only the time skips, bad ends, and bad branches remain to be finished. Well, and some of the animations. But as for the unfinished animations. As I said before, I'll finish them during the proofreading stage. I'll make sure to spend the time as practically as possible.

That's all for now. Take care.
itashik (24 октября 2022 12:41) №438
Почему на сайте и тут не открываются скриншоты и просто картинки?
lambda (8 октября 2022 13:13) №437
News about the progress

Hey guys. I'm going to keep it short today.

I wish I could tell you something encouraging, but real life events have shifted my schedule. Hate to talk about the bad news, but I prefer to be honest with you. The end of September was very stressful, and I didn't get a chance to work. I won't go into the details as I doubt you will be interested in them, but I assure you the reasons were quite serious. Only in the first days of October, things slowly began to come back to normal, and I started working again. For the rest, everything is more or less the same. Still working on the text. Still trying to make it as soon as possible.

Oh yeah, it's not a preview this time, it's just artwork.

Thank you for your support. Take care.
lambda (16 сентября 2022 07:57) №436
News about the progress

Okay, I want to apologize to you for the lack of news. Didn't even notice it's been over a month since my last post. Part of the reason I delayed new posts was because I didn't have any special news. I still kept working on the text, while rendering some missing images. I really wanted to finish it before the end of the summer, but due to certain life circumstances and my own slowness, I couldn't do it. And now it's the middle of September, and it's still not finished. Now my goal is the end of September (not counting proofreading). Will I make it? No idea. Purely hypothetically, it's very possible, but I learned a long time ago that my planning is terrible. Still, I'm going to try my best. But I want to warn you that my goal doesn't include proofreading. That process takes time, too, and it's very, very important. So, taking the proofreading into account, a release in September is hardly possible. More like early October?

Ugh, it was so easy when updates were 600-800 renders. But I have no one to blame but myself for deciding to do this mega-final update. Then again, how cool will it be when I release it.

To summarize, the vast majority of the work is already done. Right now I have to write a couple of epilogues, a lewd scene with Selina, and a few more mini-events. The weakest part I have right now is the animations. I've done very few of them. And I keep putting them off until the very last stage of development. Most likely, I'll finish them when the script will be on the proofreading stage. But since this is probably the most simple and fun part of development, I look at it optimistically. Although I feel that the last days of development will be the most intense. But this is my problem. I will manage somehow.

It's hard for me to find the right words, but I understand that this whole big development cycle looks bad. And I realize that I've disappointed a lot of people with it. I want to apologize to you. I can only hope that when you see the final result, it will smooth out your indignation. And thank you to everyone who supports me so far. Take care!

reebkn (11 сентября 2022 18:29) №435
Может кто-нибудь поделиться сейвом?
Не хочу снова проходить игру
464 Комментариев
